
The Nature of Enlightenment - 2

The Nature of Enlightenment Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Tiburon, California June 25, 1990 This is the video that brought me to the Art of Living!  In 1991, a co-worker had invited me to come take the Art of Living Course with him and they showed this at the intro talk.  I wasn't sure at first if I was going to attend the course coming up the next weekend, but during the video, I was taken by Guruji's presence and grace.  I took the course! This is a low resolution version (160x120) of the video, if you'd like to see it in normal resolution, please sign up for the Art of Living Journey App! Summary of the talk

The Nature of Enlightenment

The Nature of Enlightenment Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Tiburon, California June 25, 1990 This is the video that brought me to the Art of Living!  In 1991, a co-worker had invited me to come take the Art of Living Course with him and they showed this at the intro talk.  I wasn't sure at first if I was going to attend the course coming up the next weekend, but during the video, I was taken by Guruji's presence and grace.  I took the course! This is a low resolution version (320x240) of the video, if you'd like to see it in normal resolution, please sign up for the Art of Living Journey App! Summary of the talk: Question: Nature of Enlightenment Enlightenment is like a joke. It is like the fish searching for the ocean! Enlightenment is the core of our Being. We are gifted with that Innocence, that Silence, and we live in our Heart...when we come into the world. We lose touch with it gradually as we become intelligent, as we move into our heads. The reversal is is